Creative Success Activation

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Creative Success Activation

The Creative Success Activation 


  1. Why you’ve unknowingly plateaued or blocked your creative potential
  2. What keeps you from doing your highest level work for more profit and recognition
  3. How the same dynamics that have brought you to your current level of success are keeping you from big creative breakthroughs 


RELEASES the most pressing emotional, energetic, and mental pattern that keeps you from being an award-winning artist who makes an incredible income from your creative work 


TRANSFORMS the core block that keeps you from seeing the career-changing step that will land massive opportunity in your lap


OPENS you to channel the work that leads to the big publications, prizes, and money

You'll receive an insightful and revealing set of questions in advance to give us clarity and maximize your results. 

You will meet with Emmeline for 90 minutes over Zoom, and you will receive a recording of the Creative Witchery Success Activation.


This session will reveal the exact thing you need to activate major success in your artistic career.

During the session, Emmeline will uncover the core dynamics that block your highest brilliance from flowing out… to be discovered by raving fans.

You will release the most pressing pattern that keeps you from making big leaps.

You'll also receive specific steps on what to do after the activation so you can open the floodgates of income, recognition, and success.


Total due $997

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